Ésta es la segunda de las cuatro sesiones en las que te ayudaremos a preparar el segundo examen, Paper 2, de IGCSE Mathematics. Nos centraremos en la sección ‘Sequences, functions and graphs’.
Hemos elegido un montón de preguntas (especialmente, varias muy difíciles) sobre los temas que van a caer en el examen. Según las indicaciones de Edexcel, esto es lo que tienes que saber…
- Fractions: fraction of an amount; use of the four rules.
- Powers and roots: HCF, LCM, surds.
- Set language and notation: complete a Venn diagram.
- Percentages: reverse percentage; compound interest; percentage of an amount.
- Ratio and proportion: divide a quantity into given ratios.
- Standard form: conversion.
- Other: bounds.
- Manipulation: expansion of brackets; indices; factorisation; algebraic fractions; completing the square; subject of a formula; indices; algebraic fractions and formulae.
- Equations: linear equations; quadratic equations; simultaneous equations, linear and quadratic; simultaneous equations, linear.
- Proportion: direct proportion.
- Inequalities: graphical representation; quadratic inequality.
Sequences, Functions and Graphs:
- Sequences: nth term of an arithmetic sequence; sum of arithmetic series.
- Functions: inverse functions; transformation of functions.
- Graphs: graphs of lines; parallel and perpendicular lines; transformations of functions; graphs of trigonometric functions.
- Calculus: linear kinematics.
Geometry and Trigonometry:
- Angles and shapes: angles in polygons; geometric reasoning.
- Measures: pressure; speed; unit conversion.
- Length, area, volume: volume of cylinder; volume of composite solid; area of a sector; area and perimter of composite shape; area and perimeter of circle.
- Pythagoras and trigonometry: Pythagoras’ theorem; trigonometry; sine and cosine rules.
Vectors and transformation geometry:
Statistics and probability:
- Diagrams: histogram; cumulative frequency diagram.
- Statistical measures: mode; median; mean; range.
- Probability: probability; expected frequency; probability tree diagram; conditional probability.
Si quieres practicar el resto de las secciones, únete a las otras tres sesiones de repaso de Mathematics (Paper 2):
Y si tienes dudas, ¡tráetelas! Cuéntanoslo antes de la clase si deseas practicar algún ejercicio en concreto, o tráete directamente tus ejercicios de Mathematics y consulta todas tus dudas.
Puedes apuntarte aquí: https://forms.gle/S7LfYyffWGcah1UbA